¿Qué dice la ley sobre el pago de vale alimenticio como salario en especie?

¿Qué dice la ley sobre el pago de vale alimenticio como salario en especie?

Consulta: “¿Que dice la ley sobre el pago de vale alimenticio como salario en especie y cuanto puede ser?, Tenía entendido que lo modificaron de 300$ a 350$.”

Respuesta 1: “Son 350.00$ máximo establecido por ley mensual. Después de allí te pueden penalizar según lo que comenta la persona que nos ve vale Panamá”

Fuente Givi 2017

¿El colaborador tiene la oportunidad de ir a MITRADEL la carta de despido y después que la firme?

¿El colaborador tiene la oportunidad de ir a MITRADEL la carta de despido y después que la firme?

Consulta: “En su experiencia ¿Le han presentado la carta de despido a algún colaborador y le dan la oportunidad de darle una copia y que vaya primero antes al mitradel y que después firme???. El despido se procedió con la causal 213”

Respuesta 1: “No”
Respuesta 2:  “No”
Respuesta 3: “En cualquier de los casos si el colaborador no quiere firmar se busca 2 testigos y firman por el”
Respuesta 4: “Debe firmar, si no firma. Consiga dos testigos”
Respuesta 5: “Debes buscar testigos, él es libre posteriormente de realizar sus consultas al ministerio”


Fuente Givi 2017

¿Se puede tener un trabajador medio tiempo?

¿Se puede tener un trabajador medio tiempo?

Consulta: “¿Se puede tener un trabajador medio tiempo?, ¿Que salario se aplica? ¿Funciona bien con MITRADEL y CSS?”

Respuesta 1: “Si se puede, debes considerar la rata por hora mínima de tu industria y partir de allí defines el salario y lo determinas según las horas semanales que vaya a trabajar”


Fuente Givi 2017

¿Un colaborador con un contrato de 6 meses hay que darle una carta de preaviso 15 días antes.?

¿Un colaborador con un contrato de 6 meses hay que darle una carta de preaviso 15 días antes.?

Consulta: «¿Un colaborador con un contrato de 6 meses hay que darle una carta de preaviso 15 dias antes.? O simplemente llamarle para entregarle la liquidación

Respuesta 1:  «No necesariamente 15 días, pero sí notificarle. Yo lo hecho 3 días antes o hasta el último día de trabajo»

Respuesta 2: «Yo lo hago 3 días antes»
Fuente Givi 2017

¿En una liquidación final, si el trabajador tiene vacaciones vencidas o proporcionales estas deben agregarse a la sumatoria del décimo proporcional?

¿En una liquidación final, si el trabajador tiene vacaciones vencidas o proporcionales estas deben agregarse a la sumatoria del décimo proporcional?

Consulta: «¿En una liquidación final, si el trabajador tiene vacaciones vencidas o proporcionales estas deben agregarse a la sumatoria del décimo proporcional?…Pregunto esto porque si sé que se suma en el renglón de la prima de antigüedad más no como parte del décimo proporcional. Lo que pasa que el ministerio de trabajo dentro de su revisión suma las vacaciones a la proporción de décimo.

Respuesta 1: «Las vacaciones si se suman en el décimo proporcional.»

Fuente Givi 2017

¿Se pueden conceder consideraciones a un colaborador que tuvo un descenso organizacional?

¿Se pueden conceder consideraciones a un colaborador que tuvo un descenso organizacional?


Consulta: «Un colaborador fue bajado de jefe a coordinador (por decisión propia, ya que el puesto tenía mayor relación con su carrera), sin embargo el mismo está colocando condiciones como, no usar uniforme y no hacer marcaciones. El colaborador ha hecho una excelente labor durante todo el tiempo que ha estado en la empresa. ¿Consideran que estaría bien concederle estas peticiones?»

Respuesta 1: «Las movilidades del personal, no deben desmejorar las condiciones de este.
No conozco los detalles, pero por los elementos, no recomendaría hacer una acción así…..puede que él lo pida y quiera y mañana por cualquier situación se moleste y están dejando una apertura a que él pueda proceder en contra y le den elementos para una renuncia justificada. Cuando se definen acciones de personal hay que conocer de antemano las consecuencias de está. Nada que desmejore las condiciones del personal, es saludable aún cuando sea solicitado por el mismo colaborador. La empresa es quien define los diferentes beneficios de acuerdo a las posiciones, son políticas.  No son los colaboradores.  Es algo que tendrían que definir, sí esa posición puede trabajar de esa manera, pero independiente del tema de movilidad.»

Respuesta 2:  «Aquí lo que veo con sus peticiones es que el está asumiendo el cambio como si la empresa le debe algo al bajarlo de jefe a coordinador y por ende lo compensa con no marcar y no usar uniforme, pero creo que si los demás lo hacen entonces mandan un mal mensaje como organización. Al final la relación empresa colaborador se va a afectar si le aceptan estas condiciones los demás lo verán como preferencia y si no las aceptan el colaborador se sentirá mal también»


Fuente Givi 2017

¿Se puede desincorporar a un colaborador por bajo rendimiento en un segundo contrato de trabajo, luego de 2 meses fuera de la empresa? 

¿Se puede desincorporar a un colaborador por bajo rendimiento en un segundo contrato de trabajo, luego de 2 meses fuera de la empresa? 

Consulta: «Tengo una colaboradora que renuncio y luego de aproximadamente 2 meses pidió otra oportunidad laboral y se le dio sin periodo probatorio ya que era la misma posición pero su rendimiento no ha sido bueno; ya hemos conversado con ella y no mejora, tiene dos compañeras adicionales con la misma función y se nota la diferencia en el trabajo en relación con el resto de sus compañeras y quería saber si puedo sacarla con 212, sino me afecta que antes de su segundo contrato de trabajo tenía 3 años en la empresa.»

Respuesta 1: «Ella perdió la continuidad al estar casi dos meses fuera de la empresa, mi opinión es que si puedes desincorporarla por el 212, no le afecta.»

Respuesta 2: «Perdí un caso por este tema y eso que el mio tenia mas de 5 años de no laborar con la empresa»

Respuesta 3: «Al final utilizamos la figura de mutuo acuerdo»

Respuesta 4: «Si ella Renunció, también renuncia a todos sus derechos!  el nuevo contrato es una nueva relación laboral»

Fuente Givi 2017

¿Cuál es el salario mínimo ha reportar a la CSS para que no nos hagan alcance?

¿Cuál es el salario mínimo ha reportar a la CSS para que no nos hagan alcance?

Consulta: «¿Cuál es el salario minimo ha reportar a la CSS para que no nos hagan alcance?»

Respuesta 1: » Es de $236  aproximadamente»

Respuesta 2: «Son  $250»

Respuesta 3: «Si es un colaborador activo que ya se ha reportado pero en el mes a reportar tiene  salario 0.00 lo ajusta a $100.00. Si es colaborador nuevo el SIPE lo ajusta al mínimo que es $245.00»

Givi 2017

¿Cómo se calcula y paga el día de trabajo en construcción, si el mismo fue suspendido por lluvia?

¿Cómo se calcula y paga el día de trabajo en construcción, si el mismo fue suspendido por lluvia?

Consulta: «La obra en el día de hoy tiene que suspenderse por motivos de lluvia y la indicación es que todos los trabajadores de la obra se retiren, ¿Cómo se calcula y paga eso según el Código de Trabajo ?»

Respuesta 1: » De seguro tienes que ir a código de capac suntrac que establece todos esos recargos especiales de construcción. En construcciones se norma regularmente con dicha convencion, la cual esta debidamente aprobada por el mitradel»

Respuesta 2: «Así es. La convención colectiva dice cómo se paga»

Respuesta 3: » Sí la empresa los retira del puesto de trabajo por lluvia, esto no es imputable al trabajador. Debe ser pagarle su tiempo normal regular. Debería ser bajo su rata regular de trabajo y ver Convención de Capac, por cual normativa que debas considerar…»

Respuesta 4: «Normado en el Código de Trabajo, como lo establece»

Respuesta 5: «Eso está normado en la Convención Capac-Suntracs»

Givi 2017

¿Cómo se esta manejando la liquidaciones de personal extranjero?


¿Cómo se esta manejando la liquidaciones de personal extranjero?

Consulta: ¿Cómo se esta manejando la liquidaciones de personal extranjero? Ya que me informaron que así cuente con su permiso de trabajo no se le paga prima de antigüedad


Respuesta 1: «Son contratos por tiempo definido, por lo tanto no se paga prima de antigüedad»


Givi 2017


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In The Sri Lankan Shipping Forwarding Market Advertising Essay

After the three generations of the struggle concluded the politics circumstances in the nation is certainly secure and the current authorities adores 2/3 of absolute majority of the parliament and leader remains to be the virtually all favorite person of the nation. But the politics problems encompassing the Midsection East and Iran having an effect on the native move industry since almost all of the tea items had been move to the Heart East industry. Also the economical sanctions impose by United States and European Union on Iran affecting the local export market.

2.2 Economical Environment

The fluctuating exchange prices will be hitting the localized makes since almost all of them imports the fresh materials from dish and India and make their key goods .also the world monetary downturn affecting the local economy. On the plus side opening of the new port and expansion of the Colombo port will bring more vessels to the Colombo port. This will increase container volumes to the country definitely.

2.3 Legal Environment

The administration features unveiled a program to control the shipping and delivery and shipping forwarding sector in the region. All shipping and shipping and delivery forwarding realtors must sign-up with Seller Delivery division. Where they will categorise to two different concern and organizations licences. This is renewable yearly.

2.4 Technological Environment

The Sri Lanka practices team provides released the latest EDI (electronic info interchange) program to bring up to date transport show itself through the coming into in to traditions team internet site , which will profit the market where expense and period of the forwarders shall get kept .recently the show itself had been published by and different person should devote to carry out the task physically. This will support the exactness and replication of job likewise.


The Danger of entry

In the Sri Lankan shipment forwarding industry the hazards of innovative accessibility is normally alternatively excessive because there will be no legal requirements additional than subscription as a enterprise with save of corporations. Any one or any regular get together can enter in in to the sector with just requirements happen to be popularity in the market, organization Agent and call network with least capital can enter in to the market . When innovative entrance gets into in to the industry it is certainly a burden for the existing shipment forwarders in the marketplace. Since the sector can be currently overloaded with thus various players with in the sector concluding for slow-moving developing move marketplace and everyone include at the to talk about the existing buyer foundation with innovative articles to the market.

The access obstacles to the marketplace can come to be occured necessary to latest entrance to the sector powerless to receive companies of increase at once since they perform certainly not own the level gain at the start off of the organization. Another obstacle can be the fresh management by the federal which comes under the Product owner Transport Division. The forwarders must possess the driving licence to hold out the moving forward organization with in the localized Marketplace.

The Addresses Of Substitutes

The substitute’s support can come to be given by the airlines and surroundings lines by method of benefit extras or component of the source archipelago to the buyers. Ware these insurers provides extra providers like storage, transport, products on hand control etc. The Maersk the environment top rated company possesses began their personal hand to offer the more worth added providers to the consumers by in the brand of DAMCO worldwide .this will definitely produce the undesirable impact on the current forwarding industry in the region.

The Bargaining Ability Of The Buyers

In the Sri Lankan shipping forwarding industry the bargaining electric power of the customers are incredibly substantial. when comes to the move marketplace in time 2011 country’s move storage containers had been around 260047 and for a month it is normally around 21680 .other than forwarders the key carriers are competing to get the business direct from the customers also. The freight forwarder has to convince the buyers and must offer more value for the money. When relating to the worried enterprise the 10 significant buyers get about 26.38% of the total cash flow of the business hence there purchaser electricity substantial and the earnings margins from these clients happen to be slender.

The Bargaining Electricity Of Suppliers

The suppliers for the shipment forwarders either shipment lines, airways, ware property supplier or Logistics Company’s provide offerings to the shipping forwarders.in Sri Lanka the shipment lines and weather lines will be ruling the industry .if different than the shipment forwarder offers large databases they can deal with the transport lines and atmosphere lines different than that the great deal ability of the suppliers are incredibly excessive. When arrive to the worried organization same basic principle is certainly utilized to some places certainly not for the all locations.

Competitive Competition Among Thrilling Firms

As per the business delivery office generally there happen to be 296 shipment forwarding corporations in the regional shipping forwarding marketplace. But there is certainly additional shipping forwarders working in the industry without licences as well. There can be substantial competition among the forwarders since the move industry is merely increase around 6% in yr 2011and importance marketplace does increase by 17% when contrasted to 2010 as pointed out by the Sri Lanka Shipping Forwarders Connection (SLFFA).in the market there happen to be whole lot of similar size opponents in the marketplace and this will effect powerful competition with in the industry .and there happen to be few key size competition rivalling in several market sectors of the industry .virtually all of these competition finished in the charm and tea sector since those happen to be the virtually all exported goods in the nation.

When studying the five drive structure job in the shipment forwarding sector in Sri Lanka presently https://testmyprep.com/category/creative-writing/classification-of-business-processes-level there is normally little information regarding the specific efficiency of the rival company. And there is normally no level program to discover who the greatest enterprise is usually featuring the forwarding products and services in the market. Possibly though there can be affiliation in the market it offers simply 84 associates and where authorities possesses given over 296 licences to practice as shipment forwarders. And there can be absence of understanding among opponents with in the market about the progress and there can be no progress outlook with in the sector.

When studying the preceding acquiring there happen to be whole lot of competition in the marketplace for water shipping move since the water shipping move progress amount is normally about 6% but the marine shipping importance progress charge can be substantial about 17% .many of the shipping forwarders matter about the complete gift basket products (FCL Storage containers) in industry and much less about the loose packages masse (LCL) and multi nation debt consolidation (MCC).

4. Benefit Company ANALYSIS

To gain the affordable benefit company must deliver the benefit to the consumers beneath will be the worth string research for the CWT Globelink Colombo

4.1 Main Activities

4.1.1 Inbound Logistics

When comes to the move of merchandise organisation provide carry from shippers place of development to the firms ware home. Fumigation, obtaining relevant accreditation for the move uses is definitely various other parts of the task. In the import sea freight communication with relevant shippers in the various destinations, picking up the relevant good, storing in the ware houses in the relevant destinations till it ships to the Colombo or various other ports.

4.1.2 Operations

In water terror exports the procedure is definitely filling the relevant freight in the package in line with the filling method.in this circumstance the Freight must come to be loaded to the box without the injuries and relevant products must get mail to the relevant storage units appropriately. And should send out to the relevant cruises consequently.in transfer water packages must end up being Do jammed consequently.

4.1.3 Outbound Logistics

When is normally arrive to the transfer deliveries after acquiring the items to the Colombo slot the operation must concern the relevant docs to the relevant consignees to clear out the merchandise from the relevant ware residences powered by the Sri Lanka jacks power. Likewise must support the consignees to keep track of down the freight from the ware properties.

4.1.4 Sales and Advertising

Promoting seashore shipment organization with relevant fee to the cooperate and immediate buyers, in another country brokers and shippers with worth added companies happen to be the best suited component of the revenue and marketing

4.1.5 Services

Tracking the customer’s packages till its deliver to relevant people, giving Delivery requests, Invoice of ladings, surveying for the destruction valuables and giving relevant characters to attain the insurance promises and mailing appearance updates some of the more companies presented by the enterprise.

4.2 support activities

4.2.1 Technology Development

The company offer pursuing program to all their buyers to keep track of their packages through innovative progressive program .applying this program consumers can observe where their valuables happen to be presently telling lies on or which ship the deliveries happen to be on and period this deliveries will end up being shipped to the locations.

4.2.2 Organization Structure and Individual Information Management

The company has got a very good popularity among the buyers. The business moves a very good client centric way of life. The development come to be reinforced by the MIS and responsiveness to the client requirements.

5. THE Origin OF Ambitious Gain THROUGH ONION MODEL


5.1.2 The Agent Network

The enterprise moves a world-wide agent network .the firms possesses 40 online office buildings in 13 countries and products boats to over 120 countries achieving even more than 1200 spots worldwide which not matched by the regional opponents .

5.1.2 Premier Charge Structure

The organization provides the virtually all ambitious price in the LCL valuables sector in the industry and almost all of the additional shipment forwarders in the industry co-load their deliveries with firm since they carry out certainly not own the functions meet the price proposed by the company.

5.1.3 Leading Multi Region Consolidator

The business is normally the boss of the large increase of businesses of the multi region loan consolidation among the rivals. Organization is certainly the top rated MCC to Native american sub-continent.

5.1.4 Impressive Shipment Following System

The clients can trail their products through the program just the include to

carry out can be go into the costs of top rated figures to the program and will in a position to acquire the complete specifics about their cargo

5.1.5 Buyer Centric Culture

The operation is usually totally targeted on buyers’ necessities and requirements. Operation possess individual office concentrating the client treatment and possibly offers client grievance range which can be initially for the Sri Lankan shipping forwarding market.

5.1.6 Price Command in LCL market

The company furnish particular offerings for the just like taking move fumigation access spending as a complete deal which involves the shipping fees. The company often supplies the additional provider for the cash demand for the consumer.


5.2.1 Parochial Leading Operations Brain Set

Even though the operation extremely centric towards the buyers and client need to have they happen to be not really very much targeted on the expanding organization to the up coming level or walking up for the up coming level. They moves extremely thin place of organization eye-sight for the organization and will not really need stage outside the relaxation sector their presently in and switch the current organization design.

5.2.2 Staff Engagement

The operation is lacking in the drive to obtain its goals .where company desires staff to carry out their greatest do the job and travel the business towards its goals.to carry out that company must participate with the workers and discover the methods to acquire extra from the workers additional than the major do the job place they own been designated to perform .


7.1 Advantages of the Organisation

7.1.1 Agent Network

As pointed out prior business offers very good company network around the environment. Using this network firm can import and export any cargo in line with the customer requirements.

7.1.2 Amount Structure

Since the organization works virtually all parts of the community with different agencies operation will offer the cheapest LCL amount in the industry. Just about all of the brokers the healthy do the job will be the industry management in those vacation spots and the possess the most affordable contract price with in that particular vacation spot .with the cooperation with them business will offer the very best fee in the industry.

7.1.3 Transhipment Freight Volume

The Colombo slot is certainly a proper transhipment level in the global environment.so almost all of the cargo to Europe from Indian sub-continent tranships through the Colombo port and almost all of the European Cargo to Indian sub-continent tranship through Colombo port. almost all of the real estate agents mail their transhipment valuables to merge in Colombo give to the several areas recently described.

7.2 flaws Of the Organisation

7.2.1 Performing Capital Inadequacy

The company generally performs with the slender income margins with credit rating to the consumers quite often with low quantities will build a damage problem where it will have an effect on the operating capital requirements of the enterprise. The various other cases is usually presently there even more imports to set than exports and the organization has got to give to the brokers and should offer credit rating to the consumers this will likewise generate operating capital inadequacy.

7.2.2 People Learning resource Management

The organization certainly not extremely hoping in growing great individual methods supervision method .this will cause the fewer worker involvement and will impede the achievements of firms goals through effectiveness.

7.3 Exterior Opportunities

7.3.1 Expansion of Hambantota and Colombo Port

The production of Colombo opening proficiency and rise of the handling of the storage units will impact the sector likewise beginning of the different dock in Hambantota will raise the boat phoning exclusively the car insurers will be advertised in the latest interface. Extension of the Colombo slot to will appeal to extra motorboat to the dock and will profit the regional sector by even more volumes of prints and much less cost

7.3.2 Steady politics Environment

The concluding three years of the conflict and secure politics environment will appeal to extra buyers to the region. The even more choice comes and starts off innovative organization will produce even more imports and exports from the countrywide region.

7.4 Exterior Threats

7.4.1 Weak Economic Expansion of United Claims and Western Union

The Eu Institute and United Says economical catastrophe had been afflicted to the localized item of clothing and tea and different industries poorly and this turmoil provides been affected to the shipment forwarding market as well the move marketplace had been harvested simply by 6% in previous yr.

7.4.2 Harm in Heart Sanctions and East to Iran

One of the greatest move marketplace for the nationwide region is certainly middle section East and Iran .the current chaos in Syria, Egypt ,Libya has got ceased the move to those countries likewise the sanction by the US and European to Iran as well put in place the sector .


To Come to be A World-Class Corporation

With Global Logistics Capabilities


To Excel As A Top rated Logistics Solutions

Provider Providing Ideal Worth To Customers


8. THE VISSION, Tasks, Central Worth OF THE COMPMANY

The Colombo business office uses the same eyesight affirmation as mind workplace in Singapore. This is definitely for a boundary group with unique SBUs and shipping forwarding can be a one SBU among additional organization systems. Colombo workplace should have got a several perspective for its goals. Modified eye-sight affirmation for the company would get "TO Become A ONE OF Top rated FREIGHT FORWERDING Organization IN SRI LANKA WITH GLOBAL Shipment FORWERDING Capacities".

The quest assertion by the brain business office will become the objective to the firm since to turn into the leading shipping forwarding provider in Sri Lanka the organization must approach to the various other groups of the logistics to give very best worth to the buyer.

8.1 Center Values

8.1.1 Provider Reliability

Provide the best service to customers and increase the service levels and constantly upgrade the service levels

8.1.2 Competitiveness

To provide you with ambitious shipping prices in the marketplace and move any cutbacks conceivable to appraised clients so they can hold their expense down to the small amounts.

8.1.3 Client Focus

To appreciate the buyers’ requirements and make use of the know-how of the operation to deliver top quality, determined provider to the customer

8.1.4 Teamwork

As an looked upon organization it is normally worth the power of an people and put together alongside one another to deliver the purpose of the firm

8.1.5 Quality

The organization to make sure consumers acquire a common of services which delivers top quality and confidence that can become deliver period and period once again.

9. Expansion TARGETS

As per the fastened Annexure Below the businesses normal transfer turnover boost about 28% and move turnover had been rise by 41% .but the organizations transfer size was just improved by 9% and move volume level was straight down by 34% .the move volume level lower is normally predominantly necessary to the low volume level exported during calendar year 2010 slump period .also though 12 months 2011 and 2012 displays an rise of 42% and 22% respectively.

These will be the progress spots place for the following 3 years




Export tus




Import tus







Export turnover




Import turnover




Export profit




Import profit




After studying the marketplace styles for the total yr 2008/2009/2010/2011/2012the development concentrate on was established. The average turnover and profit were practically about 11% for the export and imports therefore the target was set as 10% increase for income and profit for two sectors.

For the level the changes are incredibly huge and it was incredibly hard to place an appropriate focus on subsequently the 10% was considered to the level focus on also


1. The Ansoff Approach

1.1 Marketplace Penetration

Increasing the product sales volume level through fresh advertising recruitments, stimulating the buyers to get additional providers, getting the buyers with selling price and difference and increasing the industry through charge of the opponents will support the business to enter additional in to the market

1.2 Marketplace Development

Firm can type in in to the fresh industry sections like resource archipelago administration to the dress market and telecommunication sector. As well can get into in to the industry many of these as Maldives and Afgenistan where there happen to be much less competition and huge earnings margins.

1.3 Item Development

Firm can incorporate their transfer and move organization along and provide you with solutions many of these as imports products from one nation and move the same things to an one more region .bundling the items jointly and supplying as a one item (shipping, transportation, taking ,admittance spending along as one merchandise )

1.4 Diversification

Firm can maneuver in to a asset marketplaces where they can purchase and sell off commodities

2. The Porters Approach

2.1 Expense Leadership

Currently the company supplies the most affordable expense in the marketplace. Where firm cut the costs to the minimum and pass the savings to the customer with lower price .this support to draw in additional databases to the company.

2.2 Differentiation

The organization can separate their merchandise and solutions considerably more desirable than the rival .this can get develop through buyer provider, graphic of the operation, faster companies to the one vacation spot to another.


The organization to employ cross approach for the expansion .the organization want to enter in to the marketplace applying difference and expense authority and must approach in to the innovative goods to develop in the industry .

Currently company gives the ideal charge in the industry. Giving the ideal amount shall support company to gain the expense control in the marketplace. Getting the price management shall support safeguarded even more sizes from https://testmyprep.com/category/other-types/data-transmission-system-network-peripherals the buyers and catch the attention of the buyers from the competition. With the cost firm can inspire the customers purchase more products and these will help the firm to penetrate in to the market with same products catalogue.

Currently company simply gives few products and services many of these as shipment, travel, entry and packing passing. This will limit the growth opportunities. Organization can go into into a brand-new industry phase applying source cycle administration. This will support the organization to touch in to the charm sector which is usually one of the major transfer and move industry in the nation.

The progress aim for was arranged for the up coming ten years is usually 10% for the income and amount. Through different item creation company can catch the attention of even more consumers and databases to accomplish the collection focus on. Combining few product and services as new product and offering to the customer’s services like imports from one destination to other destination without importing the goods to Colombo will be a new product development to the firm




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